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Decoding You

Life isn't about relationships
Life is relationships
Despite how complicated relationships can be they are also one of our most nourishing resources here on Earth.
A tightrope balancing act often ensues, between the premise that queer relationships are similar and ‘just like cisgender heterosexual relationships’ in attempts to normalize under the heteronormative umbrella. While simultaneously holding the truth that, in many ways, they are different and require uniquely positioned support, education, and understanding.

There is a need for intentional navigation and understanding specific to Queer relationships.

Learning opportunity
Queer Blindfolding: A supposedly well intended, but ultimately harmful narrative strategy of ignoring the important differences for LGBTQ+ folxs and their queer identities. This is akin to the problematic concept of racial colorblindness.

When seeking support - this can sound like:
“I treat everyone the same, LGBTQ+ people are just like straight people.”
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