Identity Definition & Exploration
These academic theories serve an important role in our understanding that Queer resilience is the result of external stigma
not a manifestation of individual wrongdoing.

Minority Stress Theory - Individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ are exposed to elevated levels of stress due to Queer-specific societal, interpersonal, and internalized stigma. This excess stress is ever present and can, directly and indirectly, lead to higher rates of mental and behavioral health struggles that are consistently observed among Queer communities. This theory suggests that LGBTQ+ folks who experience oppression from the dominate group in society are likey to experience stress as a result of this oppression.

Queer Theory - Examines and critiques society's definition of gender and sexuality intending to reveal the social and power structures at play in our everyday lives. It contends that, there is no set 'normal' only changing norms that folks may or may not fit into. The primary objective is to disrupt binaries and categorization in hopes that this will destroy inequality. Queer theory also encourages us to embrace and celebrate the postive and powerful parts of identifying as Queer.
We'll say it again for the people in the back...
Queer resilience is the result of external stigma not a manifestation of individual wrongdoing.